Making is the best way of validating. Pull designs by fast fail and making principles, so we consistently build, learn, and iterate - quickly and often.


Experiential Prototypes

We build prototypes to demonstrate the core benefits of services and products. Experiential prototypes can be used at all stages of the innovation process to rapidly evaluate, refine, and pivot solutions.


Semi & fully functional demonstrators

Click-thru digital prototypes

Ergonomic studies

Research Properties

We construct a variety of generative research of tools to facilitate participatory design and concept resonance testing. These properties are used to engage research participants and unleash creativity.


Concept stimuli (illustrations, mock-ups, & videos)

Props for role playing

Automotive bucks & cockpit simulations

Digital Simulations

We create immersive digital environments to contextualize scenarios and concepts. Utilizing digital simulation technology makes it possible to bring ideas and situations to life, free from limitations traditionally associated with scale and location.


VR demonstrations & immersions

AR visualizations

Appearance Models

We create photo-ready models to experience how a final product will look and feel. Every detail is scrutinized including size, shape, finish, color, and graphics.


High-fidelity product models

Digital interfaces


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